Get Better Grades, Quicker and Easier, by Practicing

Proven Results and Satisfaction

Our live, summer programs have served 8000 high school students on seven college campuses.

In a survey of 1119 students one semester after our Student Success workshops, 93% of students reported lasting improvements in:

  • Grades

  • Organization

  • Responsibility

  • Getting Along with Teachers

Other Programs

Criminal Law

Our materials and methods were adopted for this difficult course at 85 of 110 California Community College Police Science Programs. The results were improved competence and eliminating academic failures which had previously thwarted minority recruiting efforts.

Faculty Development Workshop in Self-Paced, Mastery Learning

Following the California Legislature authorizing full reimbursement for Learning Center format courses at California Community Colleges, we developed a training workshop for faculty members at all 110 campuses. This workshop led to dramatic improvements at the Community Colleges that adopted this approach—most notably at Golden West Community College.

U.S. Army Training Extension Course Program

At the start of the all-volunteer Army, we were the lead contractor in the Army’s opening 1125 learning centers worldwide, using interactive, multi-media materials and instructor assistance. We developed over 500 hours of user-validated courseware and provided instructor training that enabled the Army to train 500,000 soldiers with weak learning skills to maintain and operate modern, technically complex electronics and computer systems. Over 85% of students reached A-level competence in 40% less time on average than in the previous conventional courses.