Free and anonymous.
To determine your reading level, please answer each question by clicking Yes or No. Work quickly but don't rush. This will take no more than 5 minutes.
Can you see? Yes No
Do men eat stone? Yes No
Do boys like to play? Yes No
Can a bed run? Yes No
Do books have hands? Yes No
Is ice hot? Yes No
Do winds blow? Yes No
Have all girls the same name? Yes No
Is warm clothing good for winter? Yes No
Are some clouds white? Yes No
Is every woman a teacher? Yes No
Is the weather always perfect ? Yes No
Is the heart within the body? Yes No
Are airline tickets free? Yes No
Are summer days ordinarily cold? Yes No
Do clerks enjoy a vacation? Yes No
Is the president a public official? Yes No
Would you enjoy the loss of a fortune? Yes No
Does an auto sometimes need repair? Yes No
Is it important to remember assignments? Yes No
Are avenues usually paved with oxygen? Yes No
Do we desire serious trouble? Yes No
Are muzzles usually noticeable? Yes No
Is practical judgment valuable? Yes No
Ought a person's career to be ruined by accidents? Yes No
Do you cordially recommend forgery? Yes No
Does an emergency require immediate decision? Yes No
Are gradual improvements worthwhile? Yes No
Should honesty involve personal misfortune? Yes No
Is a punctual person continually tardy? Yes No
Are all human beings mortal? Yes No
Does a sporting person necessarily have "nerve?" Yes No
Are instantaneous effects invariably rapid? Yes No
Should preliminary disappointment discourage you? Yes No
Is hearsay testimony trustworthy evidence? Yes No
Are the best authorities characterized by wisdom? Yes No
Is extreme athletic exercise surely necessary? Yes No
Is incessant discussion usually boring? Yes No
Are algebraic symbols ever found in formulas? Yes No
Is an infinitesimal titanic bulk possible? Yes No
Are "diminutive" and "Lilliputian" absolutely identical? Yes No
Are steep ascents usually coexistent with sharp declines? Yes No
Are "perambulate" and "meander" similar in meaning? Yes No